We all need to keep cool in the heat. How do we take away the heat? Sweat and evaporation. Overhead fans disturb the air. AC actively cools the air and blows it directly onto you. Portable fans can help a little but run out of power quickly. Cold sweat means our T-shirts have to be changed three times a day – you throw the itchy shirt into the bin and put on a fresh one. We can swim or take a shower. But the heat builds up during the day, until the atmosphere becomes intolerable, so saturated with water and charged with electricity that a huge thunderstorm breaks in the evening, slamming fat drops of rain onto the ground and whipping the trees right over in a frenzy. This can last up to 2 hours. When it is over, there is a calm and relative coolness, the dust has settled down and the atmosphere is clean and clear and fresh. You may even, the next morning,  be able to see the High Himalayas way up to the North in the far distance, in particular Ganesh Himal. This is a really breathtaking sight, can you believe they are so high, and stretch out of sight across the entire horizon? 

C. Tim Taylor 2017