Black head, white breast, green- blue glossy back feathers
observant intelligent eye
active in all weathers
pied piper, court jester  – the magpie.

Always the centre of attention
bringing everything into contention
one for sorrow,  joy with two –
but is this old wive’s tale true?

Magpie Alley off Fleet Street
historical centre of print
in trying to keep the typeface neat
the printer gets it all jumbled up – so:
printers pie
pica pie

It’s reputed to  steal baubles that glitter
and hide them away in its nest
but really it scavenges litter
(sharp broad beak stabbing,
cocky tail counterpoised)
and eats things way past their best.

Ungainly swoop from bough to ground
the magpie hops and struts around.
with confident swagger, and bold as brass
that staccato manic cackle cannot be mistaken
for the caw of the rook or the raucous raven..

You have to admire Corvus Pica
there are very few birds that are sleeker
he is handsome and smart
and, aloof and apart,
he makes other birds seem so much meeker.

C.Tim Taylor 2010