To live, to survive, to enjoy, and be happy as far as possible.
To accomplish those goals and targets you had set yourself, and some that maybe others had set you. To live as peacefully as possible with your fellow men, family, and friends. To reconcile differences. To forgive and ask for forgiveness. To love those close to you and show that love. To make every moment of contact with those you love, count. To make inquiries about religion, philosophy, psychology, and beliefs. To teach younger people what you have learned by experience. To owe no money to anyone.

Investigate whether my voice has been a problem in establishing relationships or contacts. Where does my voice lie on the scale of pitch and timbre? Who can tell me about this? But does this matter at all? It’s all far too late to do anything about that, and I’ve already written about friends and friendship in my life, and not one of them has ever mentioned that my voice has been an irritant to them, the only exception was if I raised my voice in anger,  then I knew it had a detrimental effect on my interlocutor.

Some quotes of my own that I wish to record before I forget:

“A fisherman always has hope in his heart, even if he has nothing in his bag.”

“Just because I didn’t catch a fish, doesn’t necessarily mean there are no fish in the river. Or maybe it does.”

“Achievement is getting to the top of your mountain every day, accomplishment is getting back down safely every day of your life.”

“Never lend your computer to anyone else, it will never be the same again.”

“Don’t feel guilty about doing nothing, when you’ve done all you can.”

“Every day, the pessimist in me fights the optimist in me. Often, at the end of the day, the pessimist has won. But in the morning, when I awake, the optimist has won.”

“It’s ironic that although communication has never been so easy, very few people now bother to communicate at all.”

“I always expect that things will go wrong, that’s the norm in my life, so I’m always pleasantly surprised when things go right.”

Some misquotes that, in the light of experience, make sense:

“Death is something that happens while you had other plans.”

“Too many cooks make light work in the hot kitchen.”

“If you’re up the creek without a paddle, you’ll have to swim.” 

“Taboo or not taboo, that is the question.”

“An Englishman’s castle is his home.”

C. Tim Taylor. 2020